How much do Panama Hats cost? February 22, 2022Do you think Panama Hats are expensive? Read along and you will realize they are not!
Panama Hats are more than just straw hats January 30, 2022Panama Hats are also known as Toquilla Straw Hats or Sombreros de Paja Toquilla.
How to wear Panama Hats all year round January 9, 2022Winter wonderland and Panama Hats do mix well. Give any of your outfits a little extra character; even when the thermometer plummets.
The Hip Hat loves 2022, and so should you! Now you can buy Panama Hats online! January 2, 2022The Hip Hat welcomes 2022 with great enthusiasm and wonderful surprises!
Where is the Panama Hat origin? Ecuador, in South America! December 27, 2021The Hip Hat travels in time to find the origins of the "Panama Hats" name. The question is: what country does the Panama Hat originate from?
Wear a Panama Hat by The Hip Hat and be a part of slow fashion December 20, 2021The Hip Hat is riding the "slow fashion" wave!